I. Registration of users and an order of behavior on the website

  1. Being registered on the website, the user agrees to carry out these Rules.

  2. For registration on the website the user shall provide the operating e-mail address (login). On it the letter with registration confirmation will be sent.

  3. Communication on the website is based on the principles of the commonly accepted morals and a netiquette.

  4. Use of obscene words, abuses, abusive terms is forbidden, in independence of in what type and to whom they were addressed. Including in case of substitution of letters symbols.

  5. It is forbidden to place any advertizing, including advertizing of online projects in comments and feedbacks.

  6. It is forbidden to create several accounts on one person for the purpose of a manipulation results of rating.

  7. It is forbidden to publish unreliable information in feedbacks and comments.

  8. For violation of these rules the administration reserves the right to block the account of the violator for unrestricted term.

  9. The administration reserves the right to change rules with the subsequent notification on it of users.

II. Handling of personal data

  1. The administration of the website has no intention to collect information & nbsp; via the website, except as specified, when personal data were provided by the user voluntarily.

  2. Providing the personal data voluntarily, the user automatically agrees to handling of the personal data, including their cross-border transfer.

  3. The administration of the website undertakes to provide confidentiality of the personal data provided by the user. If you don't want that your personal data were processed, please, don't provide them on our website.

  4. Technical means of the website automatically distinguish network (IP) addresses of users. The specified information; e-mail addresses of the persons using interactive services of the website and (or) sending electronic messages to the addresses specified on the website; automatically the accumulated information about what Internet pages of the website users addressed; other data (including personal nature) reported by users – are stored with use of technical means of the website.

  5. Such information about users of the website is used only for improvement of servicing of users, and also maintaining statistics of visits of the website.

  6. Mailing of any electronic messages to e-mail addresses of users of the website, are allowed only if such mailing is directly provided by rules of use of the corresponding interactive service and on such mailing prior consent of the user of the website is received.